10 New Features of MySQL Server 5.7, MySQL 5.7 Hosting

MySQL Server 5.7, released in October 2015, introduced several important features and enhancements. These features aimed to improve performance, provide better security, and offer additional functionality for developers, making MySQL 5.7 a significant release in the MySQL ecosystem. This blog will introduce its main new features and several hosting options for install MySQL Server 5.7.

What is MySQL Server 5.7?

MySQL Server 5.7 is a version of the MySQL relational database management system. It was released by Oracle Corporation in October 2015. MySQL is one of the most popular open-source relational database systems and is widely used for web applications, particularly in conjunction with the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl) stack. MySQL server 5.7, being a stable and feature-rich release, was widely adopted by organizations. Many production systems were running on MySQL 5.7 due to its improvements over previous versions and the introduction of key features like native JSON support and enhanced performance.

10 New Features and Improvements of MySQL 5.7

MySQL 5.7 introduced numerous features and improvements over its predecessor, MySQL 5.6. Some of the key features and enhancements in MySQL 5.7 include:
JSON Support
Performance Improvements
Document Store
Security Enhancements
Optimizer Improvements
Spatial Data Support
InnoDB Full-text Search
Generated Columns
Sys Schema
MySQL Server 5.7 Introduces a JSON Data Type

MySQL 5.7 introduced a native JSON data type, allowing for efficient storage and manipulation of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) documents. It includes a set of functions for querying and modifying JSON data. The JSON data type is commonly used in scenarios where the data structure is dynamic or varies across records. It is suitable for storing configurations, application settings, complex objects, and other scenarios where a flexible and nested data structure is beneficial. The introduction of the JSON data type in MySQL provides developers with a powerful tool for handling flexible, semi-structured data, offering benefits such as a flexible schema, ease of integration with web applications, improved readability, and efficient querying capabilities. It aligns with modern application development practices, especially in scenarios where data structures are dynamic and evolving.

JSON Document Store in MySQL Server 5.7

MySQL 5.7 introduced a NoSQL-style JSON document store using the X Plugin, allowing developers to work with both SQL and NoSQL paradigms within the same database. This provides flexibility in application development, allowing developers to choose the data model that best suits their requirements.

Security Enhancements in MySQL Server 5.7

MySQL 5.7 enhanced security features, including automatic password expiration and account locking after multiple failed login attempts. These strengthened security measures will help reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

Performance Improvements in MySQL Server 5.7

MySQL 5.7 enhanced the efficiency of the InnoDB storage engine with improvements to the buffer pool, resulting in better overall performance. InnoDB is a storage engine for MySQL that is well-suited for various workloads, particularly those that prioritize data integrity, concurrency, and transactional consistency.

MySQL Server 5.7 also enabled parallel execution of replication threads, enhancing the utilization of hardware resources and improving replication performance.

Optimizer Enhancements in MySQL Server 5.7

MySQL 5.7 introduces optimizer enhancements for better query performance by improving the cost model for query execution. The query optimizer is a crucial component of a relational database management system (RDBMS) that determines the most efficient way to execute a given SQL query. The cost model is a key aspect of the optimizer that assigns costs to different execution plans and helps the optimizer choose the plan with the lowest estimated cost. Some of the key cost model improvements includes Improved handling of Index Condition Pushdown (ICP), histograms for the InnoDB storage engine, batched key access, and Extension of Index Condition Pushdown to cover derived tables.

Spatial Data Support in MySQL Server 5.7

MySQL 5.7 improved spatial extensions by enhancing support for spatial data types and functions, catering to applications involving Geographic Information Systems (GIS), mapping, and location-based services. For example, MySQL 5.7 introduced spatial data types, including POINT, LINESTRING, POLYGON, GEOMETRY, and others, which allow you to store geometric objects representing points, lines, and polygons in the database. It also provides support for spatial indexing, enabling faster retrieval of spatial data based on location. Meanwhile, MySQL 5.7 comes with a set of spatial functions and operators that allow you to perform various operations on spatial data. These operations include distance calculations, intersection testing, area calculations, and more.

InnoDB Full-text Search in MySQL Server 5.7

MySQL 5.7 introduced full-text search capabilities for the InnoDB storage engine, allowing efficient text searches on data stored in InnoDB tables. InnoDB Full-text Search provides a native, built-in solution for conducting full-text searches directly within the InnoDB storage engine. This eliminates the need for external full-text search engines or plugins. Besides this, it supports a "natural language" mode for search queries. In this mode, users can input simple phrases, and the search engine will attempt to find matches based on the natural language of the query. Additionally, InnoDB Full-text Search provides a "boolean" mode for more complex searches. Users can use boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) and other advanced syntax to construct intricate search queries. It is also integrated into the SQL syntax, making it easy to incorporate full-text search queries into standard SQL statements. This seamless integration simplifies the process of combining text searches with other types of queries.

Online ALTER TABLE in MySQL Server 5.7

MySQL 5.7 improved support for online schema changes, allowing ALTER TABLE operations without locking the table for an extended period. This helps minimize downtime during schema modifications, enhancing the availability of the database.

Traditional ALTER TABLE operations often involve taking a lock on the entire table, which can lead to downtime and impact the availability of the database. Online ALTER TABLE in MySQL 5.7 aims to minimize table locking, allowing some types of schema changes to be performed without blocking concurrent read and write operations. Online ALTER TABLE supports concurrent read and write operations on the table being altered. While the alteration is in progress, new transactions can continue to read and write data to the table without being blocked. In some cases, Online ALTER TABLE may take advantage of parallel processing, allowing the alteration to be performed more efficiently. However, the level of parallelism depends on the specific alteration and the MySQL version. While Online ALTER TABLE provides benefits for certain operations, not all alterations can be performed online. Some alterations may still require exclusive locks and result in downtime.

Generated Columns in MySQL Server 5.7

MySQL 5.7 introduced support for generated columns, allowing column values to be computed based on an expression or function. These columns are known as "generated" because their values are computed or generated based on the specified expressions during INSERT or UPDATE operations, rather than being explicitly provided by the user.

When creating a table, you can define a column as a generated column by specifying a generation expression. The syntax for creating a generated column is as follows:

column_name data_type [GENERATED ALWAYS] AS (expression) [VIRTUAL | STORED] [UNIQUE [KEY] | [PRIMARY] KEY]

In this code, GENERATED ALWAYS specifies that the column is always generated and cannot be explicitly set by the user. AS (expression) specifies the expression used to compute the column's value. VIRTUAL or STORED determines whether the column's values are computed on-the-fly (VIRTUAL) or stored in the table (STORED).

Computed or derived columns are useful for scenarios where certain values in a table can be derived from other columns or expressions. This can simplify data management and ensure consistency.

Sys Schema in MySQL Server 5.7

MySQL 5.7 introduced the SYS schema, a set of objects providing insights into server internals, aiding administrators in monitoring and troubleshooting.

The SYS schema refers to a set of views, procedures, and functions provided by MySQL that collectively form a schema named "SYS." It simplifies the process of querying and understanding server-related information. It introduces a standardized set of views and procedures, making it easier for users to access and interpret the data they need. To use the SYS schema, you typically need to have the necessary privileges to access the relevant views and procedures. Queries against SYS schema views can provide valuable information for monitoring and optimizing the performance of the MySQL server.

Here's a simple example of querying the sys.processlist view in the SYS schema:

SELECT * FROM sys.processlist;

This query retrieves information about the current threads and processes running on the MySQL server.


MySQL 5.7 Hosting Options

To use MySQL 5.7 online, there are various MySQL 5.7 hosting options available, including cloud hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated server hosting. Which hosting type to choose will depend on your specific requirements, budget, and preferences.
Consider your technical expertise and whether you prefer a fully managed solution (cloud hosting), a partially managed solution (VPS hosting), or a self-managed solution (dedicated hosting).

To host MySQL Server 5.7, follow these steps:

1. Purchase a hosting plan: Purchase a hosting plan that meets your performance, storage, and scalability requirements.

1.1 If scalability is a priority, cloud hosting may be a suitable choice. If your application has predictable resource needs, a VPS or dedicated server may be more cost-effective.
1.2 If security and complete resource isolation are paramount, dedicated hosting may be the best option.
1.3 Also, assess your budget and choose a hosting option that aligns with your financial resources.

2. Access the hosting control panel: Access the hosting control panel provided by the hosting platform. Cloud Clusters provides its self-developed control panel for easy management. The features provided for Cloud MySQL server 5.7 and MySQL VPS/dedicated server are different. The cloud MySQL 5.7 hosting offers features like phpMyAdmin, FTP, Web Shell/SSH, and security.

3. Install MySQL Server 5.7: Cloud Clusters MySQL server 5.7 hosting has MySQL Community server 5.7 pre-installed, while the VPS or dedicated hosting needs you to manually install MySQL 5.7 on Ubuntu or other Linux distributions. However, you can ask the support for help with the MySQL Community server 5.7 installation.

4. Configure MySQL Server 5.7: Configure the MySQL Server settings according to your requirements, such as setting the root password, creating a new database, and assigning privileges to users. With the cloud MySQL Server 5.7 hosting, these can be done on the control panel. For VPS and dedicated server, you can set the configurations on the server.

5. Connect to MySQL Server: Connect to MySQL Server using a MySQL client, such as the mysql command-line client or other tools like phpMyAdmin. Use the host name or IP address of the server, along with the username and password you configured in the previous step.

That's it! You have successfully hosted MySQL Server 5.7 on the hosting platform. You can now create databases, tables, and other database objects using your preferred MySQL client.


MySQL Server 5.7 is highlighted for its notable features such as improved performance, enhanced security, and advanced replication capabilities. To enjoy all these features, you can host MySQL Server 5.7 online with multiple hosting options, including cloud hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting.