MySQL Hosting, MySQL Database Hosting

Run MySQL database in cloud, VPS, or Dedicated Servers. Select an appropriate plan according to your needs. If you want a custom plan, please refer to add-ons and contact us.

MySQL Hosting pricing

Various hosting types at affordable prices. Choose the one that best fits your business.
Cloud MySQL Hosting
MySQL 5.7 / 8.0
VPS MySQL Hosting
All MySQL Versions
Dedicated MySQL Hosting
All MySQL Versions
Hot Sale

Express MySQL Plan

40% OFF Recurring (Was $4.99)
Free Trial
  • 2 CPU Cores
  • 2GB Memory
  • 60GB SSD Disk
  • 60GB SATA Backup Storage
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • Twice per Month Backup
  • On-Demand Backup
  • 24/7 Technical Support
Hot Sale

Basic MySQL Plan

40% OFF Recurring (Was $8.99)
Free Trial
  • 3 CPU Cores
  • 4GB Memory
  • 100GB SSD Disk
  • 100GB SATA Backup Storage
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • Twice per Month Backup
  • On-Demand Backup
  • 24/7 Technical Support
Hot Sale

Professional MySQL Plan

40% OFF Recurring (Was $15.99)
Free Trial
  • 4 CPU Cores
  • 8GB Memory
  • 160GB SSD Disk
  • 160GB SATA Backup Storage
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • Weekly Backup
  • On-Demand Backup
  • 24/7 Technical Support
Hot Sale

Advanced MySQL Plan

40% OFF Recurring (Was $31.99)
Free Trial
  • 6 CPU Cores
  • 16GB Memory
  • 240GB SSD Disk
  • 240GB SATA Backup Storage
  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • Weekly Backup
  • On-Demand Backup
  • 24/7 Technical Support
Optional Add-ons for Cloud MySQL Hosting
Additional CPU Core$2.00/month/Core
Additional Memory$2.00/month/GB
Additional Disk Space$2.00/month/20GBSSD
Additional Backup Space$5.00/month/100GBSATA
Daily Backup$4.99/month
Package UpgradeFree
Package downgradeFree
Software UpgradeFree
Optional Add-ons for VPS MySQL Hosting
Additional CPU Core$5.00/month/CoreUpgrade limited to 16 cores
Additional Memory$5.00/month/GBUpgrade limited to 32GB
Additional SSD Disk Space$5.00/month/20GBAdded to C: Drive. Upgrade limited to 400GB.
Bandwidth UpgradeUpgrade to 1000Mbps(Shared): $10.00/monthThe bandwidth of your server represents the maximum available bandwidth. Real-time bandwidth usage depends on the current situation in the rack where your server is located and the shared bandwidth with other servers. The speed you experience may also be influenced by your local network and geographical distance from the server.
Additional Dedicated IP$2.00/month/IP (IPv4 or IPv6)IP purpose required. Maximum 8 per package.
Image .vhdx File Download$25.00/Server one time feeDownload the image file to the client's local computer.
Remote Data Center Backup
(Windows Only)
$14.99/monthTwice per week, every Wednesday and Saturday. We will use Backup For Workgroups to backup all your SSD (C: partition) file system to our remote data center backup servers. You can restore the backup files in your server at any time by yourself.
Optional Add-ons for Dedicated MySQL Hosting
Additional Memory16GB: $10.00/month
32GB: $18.00/month
64GB: $32.00/month
128GB: $56.00/month
256GB: $96.00/month
Additional SSD Drives240GB SSD: $9.00/month
960GB SSD: $19.00/month
2TB SSD: $29.00/month
4TB SSD: $39.00/month
Additional SATA Drives2TB SATA: $19.00/month
4TB SATA: $29.00/month
8TB SATA: $39.00/month
16TB SATA (3.5’ Only): $49.00/month
Additional NVMe Drives960GB NVMe: $19.00/month
2TB NVMe: $29.00/month
4TB NVMe: $39.00/month
Additional Dedicated IP$2.00/month/IPv4 or IPv6IP purpose required. Maximum 16 per package.
Bandwidth UpgradeUpgrade to 200Mbps(Shared): $10.00/month
Upgrade to 1Gbps(Shared): $20.00/month
The bandwidth of your server represents the maximum available bandwidth. Real-time bandwidth usage depends on the current situation in the rack where your server is located and the shared bandwidth with other servers. The speed you experience may also be influenced by your local network and geographical distance from the server.
Remote Data Center Backup(Windows Only)40GB Disk Space: $30.00/month
80GB Disk Space: $60.00/month
120GB Disk Space: $90.00/month
160GB Disk Space: $120.00/month
We will use Backup For Workgroups to backup your server data (C: partition only) to our remote data center servers twice per week. You can restore the backup files in your server at any time by yourself.
Private Network$10.00/month/server
Shared Hardware Firewall$29.00/monthShared firewall is used by 2-7 users who share a single Cisco ASA 5520 firewall, including shared bandwidth. It does not have superuser privileges.
Dedicated Hardware Firewall$99.00/monthDedicated firewall allocates one user to a Cisco ASA 5520/5525 firewall, providing superuser access for independent and personalized configurations, such as firewall rules and VPN settings.
Support Features
Migration Assistancedone
Fully Managed Hostingdone
24/7/365 SupportdoneWe offer 24/7 tech support via Ticket and Livechat
99.9% Uptimedone
24/7/365 Online Supportdone
Management Features for Cloud MySQL
Supported Version(s)Community 5.7 / 8.0
Unmetered TrafficdoneYou will never get an overage charge for the high traffic usage.
One-Click RestorationdoneThe automatic restoration of the MySQL requires just one click.
One-Click Up/DowngradedoneOne-click upgrade and downgrade MySQL plan to fit your business needs.
Free MigrationdoneWe can help migrate your MySQL onto our cloud platform of MySQL hosting for FREE.
Free Auto-BackupdoneFor each plan of our MySQL hosting, we do the automatic backup regularly.
Shell / SSHdoneManage your MySQL easily and conveniently through the Command Line Interface (CLI).
FTPS ServicedoneThe control panel for managing the MySQL hosting enables you to transfer large files securely and quickly.
Free SSL InstallationdoneFor each domain, we provide the installation of Let’s Encrypt, a free SSL certificate.
Optimized PlatformdoneOur platform is rapidly evolving in order to deliver a higher-level performance and cost-efficient MySQL hosting.
Isolation-Based SecuritydoneContainer technology isolates you from noisy neighbors and it is still evolving rapidly.
Dynamic ScalingdoneDynamically expand the server's CPU, memory, and disk size on your MySQL hosting plans.
Monitoring ConsoledoneAccess the metrics dashboard to monitor the resource usage on your cloud MySQL hosting plan.
One-Click InstallationdoneWith a hit of a button, you can get your MySQL in minutes.
File ManagerdoneManage your MySQL files and folders in our powerful control panel.

MySQL Hosting Inquiry

Have questions about our MySQL hosting services? Feel free to ask! Our team of experts is ready to assist you and will respond to you shortly.
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